Section: Research Program

Research Directions

Our research proposal is organized along three main axes, namely programming language design and implementation, concurrency, and program verification. These three areas have strong connections. For instance, the definition and implementation of Multicore OCaml intersects the first two axes, whereas creating verification technology for Multicore OCaml programs intersects the last two.

In short, the “programming language design and implementation” axis includes:

  • The search for richer type disciplines, in an effort to make our programming languages safer and more expressive. Two domains, namely modules and effects, appear of particular interest. In addition, we view type inference as an important cross-cutting concern.

  • The continued evolution of OCaml. The major evolutions that we envision in the medium term are the integration of Multicore OCaml, the addition of modular implicits, and a redesign of the type-checker.

  • Research on refactoring and program transformations.

The “concurrency” axis includes:

  • Research on weak memory models, including axiomatic models, operational models, and event-structure models.

  • Research on the Multicore OCaml memory model. This might include proving that the axiomatic and operational presentations of the model agree; testing the Multicore OCaml implementation to ensure that it conforms to the model; and extending the model with new features, should the need arise.

The “program verification” axis includes:

  • The continued evolution of CompCert.

  • Building new verified tools, such as verified compilers for domain-specific languages, verified components for the Coq type-checker, and so on.

  • Verifying algorithms and data structures implemented in OCaml and in Multicore OCaml and enriching Separation Logic with new features, if needed, to better support this activity.

  • The continued development of tools for TLA+.